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Camping in the Redwoods


  • July 31 August 3, 2015
  • $525

Join us at Del Norte Coast Redwood Campground on July 31st through August 3rd. We will be exploring all the natural beauty and energy that can only be found in the Redwoods. We will be leaving on Friday morning at 10 and driving the 5 hours to the park. You will need to bring money for a stop along the way for lunch or a snack. All you will need to provide is a sleeping bag, pillow, water bottle and specific snacks or drinks you may want for yourself, otherwise we have you covered completely. Please pack for the temperature to be anywhere from 50-80 degrees. Bring hiking shoes and a swim suit just in case.

We will arrive around 5pm to a place of wonder that will be ready and waiting for you. We are providing tents (for 2, unless you would like to pay more for your own), air mattresses, all your meals and beverages, transportation and gas. We will have spiritual time with nature both guided and alone, fireside time nightly, hikes to explore this wondrous place and so much more.

If this is somewhere you have always wanted to visit, then this is perfect for you. Why not go with a caring community of friends, both those you know and those you will meet.

This will be led by Pamela Hampton and Torrii Rogers, with help from Lisa Solterbeck LCSW, CHt, Intuitive Empath.